Evolution Shotcrete has completed thousands of square metres of shotcrete slopes and walling in the commercial and civil sectors.  Often, these projects involve difficult working situations, tight deadlines, strict compliance with health and safety standards and extensive environmental and waste management considerations.

We have delivered large scale projects across a number of sectors including gas, energy, mining and rail.  Due to shotcretes versatility it does not require bulky formwork therefore we can apply concrete in areas that are difficult to access for example; tunnels, deep in mining pits, steep natural or man-made slopes and underneath existing structures such as a motorway overpasses

Asset Maintenance, Evolution Shotcrete

Shotcrete Applications for Maintenance

Applying shotcrete to an existing structure or surface is a great way to keep that structure/surface intact and resistant to changes in weather, temperature and industrial processes. Utilising shotcrete to strengthen or repair a surface is not only cost effective and produces less waste than conventionally poured concrete, but also requires little to no follow up application or maintenance.

Shotcrete can be applied to protect, repair and reinforce in the following situations:

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